“Getting noticed” is difficult… Often, a student athlete does not know where to begin.   If a Prospect isn’t noticed, then the next three steps cannot happen.  Bright blips on the radar screen cannot be seen, if the entire screen is lit up.  Most collegiate sports’ Programs are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of Prospect inquiries. As a result, coaching staffs are inundated with information overload.  Gaining personal access to Program Head Coaches can be nearly impossible.  This situation makes it difficult for Prospects to obtain essential information from their programs-of-interest necessary to make informed decisions.

…e-SKore.com’s role is to assist to clear-up the radar screen for both Programs and Prospects.

SOLID KNOCK’s site, e-SKore.com, has been designed with the assistance of college coaches to serve as a cost and time efficient resource and process facilitator to assist Programs to better manage Prospect inquiries and for student athletes to get noticed and manage their athletic scholarship acquisition efforts.  SOLID KNOCK/e-SKore.com facilitates Prospects’ and Programs’ efforts to make first contact, but we are not a “for fee” recruiting service.  As a result, SOLID KNOCK is able to remain completely unbiased and neutral… a trustworthy resource for all constituents of each, individual sport’s community.

…we serve coaches, student athletes, parents, travel coaches, recruiting services and sanctioning bodies.

SOLID KNOCK!/e-SKore.com's unique propositions are:

1) Better data management (for both coaching staffs and student athletes); 2) a first introduction process that actually works; 3) recommended matches based on information provided directly from both the Programs and Prospects; 4) current, maintained, insightful information and status updates from both Prospects (student athletes) and Programs (coaching staffs) and 5) trustworthy add-on services and information resource guidance specific to and associated with each individual sport.

…wondrous things grow from small hearts!